Sunday, February 14, 2010

Picture Life Workshop in Mesa, AZ....

Amanda Andrews and Holly Brimhall are excited to announce the next Picture Life Workshop to be held in Mesa, AZ on Saturday, April 10th (been wracking my brain trying to figure out if this is the 7th or 8th workshop we have offered). The workshop will held from 9:30 am until 7:30 pm.

What's included:
10 hours of learning and FUN!
We'll teach you how to shoot in manual, how to get sharper images
How to find the light
Silhouetting and sunflare
Rules of composition
Tips on working with clients of all ages
An opportunity to watch Holly and Amanda shoot
A chance for you to shoot and portfolio build
Overview of our photoshop techniques
Q&A - you ask....we answer!
Oh yes, and a few yummy meals!

A little bit about us....
Holly and Amanda have been the best of friends for 10 years. Holly's love for photography began 5 years ago and quickly she was inspiring Amanda to better her photography skills. Now, both successful photographers, they teach and inspire each other.
Over the past few years, they've not only increased their ability to capture better portraits, but have also become artists in the digital darkroom with their ever-expanding knowledge of photoshop.
Though they both feel that there is a wealth of photography information that they have not yet received, they have both reached a point where other aspiring photographers are asking them to share the knowledge that they do have.
Because of the on-going requests, they have decided to put all their information together to share in a beginners photography workshop. They are so excited to do this and CANNOT wait to watch others learn and grow as they develop talents of their own!!!

Early-bird registration (register by March 20th): $395
Registration (after March 20th): $450

*Registration fees are non-refundable. You may sell your spot to someone else, but you are responsible for finding a replacement*


Gina said...

Please let me know if you are going to do this again in 2011! I would love to attend!

Kristy Ter Haar Photography said...

Hi Holly and Amanda! I am also very interested in a 2011 workshop! Please let me know if you decide to put one together. Thanks so much!